“If you only do what you know you can do- you never do very much."


Its FRIDAY!!!! Nice run this a.m. I pulled a 10:48 and felt pretty good after. I have no idea how I would ever pick up time to catch Kate!?!? I feel even better now that I have had a grapefruit, cherries, egg beaters and nf cheese, oh yea dont forget the cashews. What are everyones thoughts on dining out. I was going to take Patty to dinner tonight, but also want to try to stay in the zone. Zone friendly restaurants?


Hip Kitty said...

go to the zone website, click on 'eating' up top, and then go to 'dining out'...there's a list of restaraunts (nothing too ritzy, but maybe a decent 'friday night out' kind of place) and the food choices that help you stay in the zone. Michelle and I are going to chili's tomorrow night for another cf party-thing and that's what we're doing.....outside of that, keep it to a lean protein (portion) and good veggies, if you can! That's all I got....nice work on the run- kate's a freaking gazelle.

timeforchange15 said...

You too on the run. That's awesome time! I am planning on showing up tomorrow at 10:30 a.m. I'll probably get my butt kicked, but hey that's nothing new. Rest up it's going to be a good one! C U then!

OCD said...

yo. check out the first video featured on my blog. patti said we seem to share the same humor. want to confirm. i suppose i should be talking about food and crossfitting. how about i work out at 6p and am psyched up? weehoo!

Hip Kitty said...

Should have mentioned earlier that we had a great meal at The Sandy Butler last night....

Kate Charles said...

We are going to run together... in the Naples 1/2 in Jan 08 right? You can find 48 seconds... but I will be working on finding 60!!! You and Patty have a great night out tonight but don't forget to count the alcohol carbs, ha!