“If you only do what you know you can do- you never do very much."


Love to hate today's wod. One of those nasty great ones. W and G together are my weakest wod's. Got to work a couple mucsles to failure. You know thats why I came early, just to do it. Bfast wasn't until 9 so I was starvin. Much better now. Will update later with 2nd wod stats. see ya.


Wow! Today's wod made my legs burn. Did the last 500 suck or what? I did a 13:11, big shout to the girls for their smokin times. You ladies rock! Felt good on today's triple mod. Had some yogurt, cottage cheese and grapefruit for bfast, oh yea don't forget the smoked almonds. Lots to do so I will update later. Have a great hump day!


Today's wod was good, I did rx'd in 16:40 last time I did 65# in 15:59 That is a 30# increase since May 13. My hands are still wrecked from Sat. It hurt to do the burpees yesterday, even grabbing the bar today for OHS hurt. Food has been good considering this weekend. Really this weekend was bad. Saturday I knew and planned on being bad. Sunday on the other hand I was an uncontrolable eating machine. It was like I could not stop. I finally told myself enough. I wonder what goes off in our heads that makes us do that? Oh well, back on track now. I know the slips will happen and sometimes they are needed.


Monday at work, will do the burpee wod today sometime today. A bit sore still from "badger" wow! Ate horrible all weekend and drank, so I will be strict all week to get back. Blog ya later with an update. JB

OK just did the burpee wod in 16:45 it sucks! See all tomorrow!