“If you only do what you know you can do- you never do very much."


Did I turn 60 today?

I have to say that this is the first time since CF, or CFFB that I feel whipped. My body is beat up, even my bones are sore. I might have a little of the problem coach is having. I don't know if I have enough protien blocks for a proper recovery. I was a little slim on the carb blocks this week, maybe that was it. All that does not matter though, because yesterday on the CFFB "total" I pr'd 3 of my four lifts. All by at least 15 pounds. Wow! I know this stuff works. I am at work today and am trying to take it easy. Will try to the rest of the weekend. Everyone have a good weekend!


Down in a Hole

OK, so most of my day was spent in a hole. Actually a pipe. It was 24" in diameter, 12 feet underground and 85 feet long. Yea, not my favorite place. There is the thick wet sticky mud, and then there is the spiders. Yep, you heard me right. Big, thick, black, juicy spiders. All of this was in the name of "confined space" training. That was my day at work, hope everyone had a better day! Did I mention how sore I am today? Yes the lifting has made me sore, but the DAMN 110m sprints yesterday killed me. 16 110m sprints with 45 sec. rest in between. All under 18sec. or you get a 10 burpee penalty for each. I am built for comfort, not speed!!! OUCH! I really would have liked full use of my hamstrings in that hole today.... Thanks CFFB. See all soon.