Feeling better fri. I had a little stomach thing on wed. night and part of thur. I feel much better now and felt good this a.m. during the wod. Very hungry though. I did 135 for my 1st set and had to drop down for the rest. Worked back to 130 on the 4th. So, very heavy press day for me. My shoulders are weak, but getting stronger.
If you think about nutrition and what the general public is told, take bfast for instance. oatmeal, 1 banana, and an 8oz glass of oj. Sounds healthy huh? (well in a traditional way) Now take your "zone knowledge" and break that down... 8c, 2p, 2f. Looks like this bfast will lead you down the path of increased insulin and storage of sugar. We all know now where that gets us! Now take the McD's 1/4 pounder with cheese... 4.3c, 4.6p, 8f. 2 times fat is ok, and the carbs are not the best, but yes the 1/4 pounder is the healthier meal as far as we are concerned. This little story was told by Pat Sherwood, CF guru. Obviously he would not live off of 1/4 pounders, but he stated if given those two as choices he would eat the 1/4 pounder 100 times out of 100. Oh yea, no fries, or soda with that. hahaha. It really makes you think about how much wrong information is being pumped into society, and why we are the fattest country in the world. Just thought I would share that. It really made me see the "zone" in a different way. See ya soon JB
3 years ago