3 years ago
Today was a nice wod. I feel so weak, I only did 65# and it took 28 minutes. Oh well, if thats all I got now, thats all I got. It is nice to be somewhat back. At least I know now every wod I will be improving on my current status. I am so sore from barbara yesterday. I know today will be worse. A little nippy this a.m. huh!? I am strictly following the zone again, "as opposed to very loosely" following it. When I first got out of the hospital it was easy to not eat junk. Then with so much going on in my head it was too easy to fall back on the comfort foods of old. Also old habits. Then the guilt would set in and I would be good for like a day. Now I think doing wods will help. See all soon. JB
Guess Who's on-site?
Well I was on site lastnight for a little run through on a few exercises. Nothing hard just rom stuff and I did 4x500 on the rower. All felt pretty good. So that leads me to today. I showed up at 8am and decided to scale the wod. I did wbs (20#) instead of box jumps. Wow, 5 weeks of doing nothing will kill you. I scored a 221 and felt like I could die. My whole body was shaking. I will let you know how I feel later!!! I really had a hard time getting through the rounds. I knew I would be at square one, but I kinda hoped I would have done better. I really have no expectations for my wods yet, just want to get through them. Slow and steady. Patty has everyone on look out to make sure I don't do anything too extreme. My grafts are good a little rom problem, but the main reason I am scaling is still my mcl. My knee is tender. Oh yea, what's the zone? hahaha. need to get strict! My next steady goal. See all soon. JB
Yesterday I went to the gym with Patty to watch the 8am crew do the wod. I realized how much I miss it. I also realized how limited I am still. I think a few air squats is all I am capable of. I can't even get both hands over my head to grab the pull up bar! I am using this week to get back into the zone. Now that I have stopped taking pain meds and my insides are trying to get back to normal. Hopefully the Dr will tell me something good tomorrow, and I can soon get back to something. Talk to all of you later, miss you. JB
Hey all, I am healing fine. Still uncomfortable, but managing. Trying to get off the pain pills and am almost there. Only taking a couple a day. I really want to work out. I can't even do an air squat. I cant sweat yet, because of my skin graphs. So maybe next week the Dr. will have more news for me. There are some pics and updates on my other blog www.jasonbrod.blogspot.com I miss all of you and hope to see you soon. JB
Wow! Today's wod made my legs burn. Did the last 500 suck or what? I did a 13:11, big shout to the girls for their smokin times. You ladies rock! Felt good on today's triple mod. Had some yogurt, cottage cheese and grapefruit for bfast, oh yea don't forget the smoked almonds. Lots to do so I will update later. Have a great hump day!
Today's wod was good, I did rx'd in 16:40 last time I did 65# in 15:59 That is a 30# increase since May 13. My hands are still wrecked from Sat. It hurt to do the burpees yesterday, even grabbing the bar today for OHS hurt. Food has been good considering this weekend. Really this weekend was bad. Saturday I knew and planned on being bad. Sunday on the other hand I was an uncontrolable eating machine. It was like I could not stop. I finally told myself enough. I wonder what goes off in our heads that makes us do that? Oh well, back on track now. I know the slips will happen and sometimes they are needed.
Friday, that means more football soon. Have I told how much I love fball season? At work today so I will do a little shoulder press and try to get some rest for "Badger", hope that goes as planned. Still sore, long week of wod's had 2 days of 2 workouts. I still have some soreness. See ya tomorrow. JB
9/11..... Take minute to remember
Some people tend to forget what happened that day. When that was the day we vowed to "never forget". Now seven years later most people have a 9-10-01 attitude. Remember where you were? Remember how you felt? Remember, "all gave some, but some gave all!" Say a little prayer today and God Bless America.
Some people tend to forget what happened that day. When that was the day we vowed to "never forget". Now seven years later most people have a 9-10-01 attitude. Remember where you were? Remember how you felt? Remember, "all gave some, but some gave all!" Say a little prayer today and God Bless America.
Wed. already! Hit wod yesterday @ 5a.m. cuz I had to work. Back to 8 this morning. Nice MWG, triple mods always smoke me. Felt pretty good today. 10:49, beat by the girls again (that's ok I like it!!). You girls do truly push me and we don't even workout together. Imagine if we were all together all the time. We would probably be dead!!! haha Nice job today! Had bfast and will be doing a shit load of paperwork today. Will probably be at open gym. Maybe I'll see you there. JB
Sunday, Sunday, Sunday, football action like youv'e never seen before. OK maybe not that dramatic, but the Dolphins did give me a heartattack. So close. Cauaght an awesome workout this a.m. wow it was tough, but great. Zone food all day and a beer. Of course football what more could you want. See all tomorrow for metcon monday!!!
Wow today's wod kicked my ass. Did almost 7 rounds rx'd, but that 95# was heavy. Don't know if I am a little sore from the week or what? I was struggling to keep form. I do know that the technical lifts mixed with something else are my weak wods. I guess I will get better with time. Still strict zone, one little cheat for lunch yesterday. (All coaches fault!!! haha) mine wasn't that bad. I will do some sort of wod at work tomorrow, and then I will stretch.... I feel a good stretch coming on. Everyone have a great weekend. talk to you soon. JB
Killer wod this morning! I love to hate the triple mod's, they kick my ass. Got 250, was trying to keep consistent reps for each round. Nice job to the girls for kicking my ass. You ladies give me something to shoot for every morning when I see the white board. At least I know what scores I won't be getting. haha! Must go need food. talk to ya later. JB
Fun at work! Did today's wod here at the station, nice one. Found a little soreness in my back, but nothing major. Thanks deadlifts. Nice and strict on the zone today, not even any coffee! that won't happen tomorrow!! Was strict all day and was also hungry a couple times. Maybe that is why I have been having "cheats" and been stuck on 199. Will be strict for the next couple weeks. Cya. JB
Sunday, at work today. Lazy day yesterday after the fifty. went to Edison's for a non zone lunch, beers, and football.... I guess gator fball is better than no fball. The rest of the day was very restful and kind of zone friendly. Did not really eat dinner though. Had a zone bar late afternoon and one before bed. I really have not been super strict and I should be a little more. Yesterday's fifty bunch was awesome. I like those workouts with everyone. Had horrible bfast this a.m. Tasted great, but not real healthy. So for lunch and dinner I will be weighing and measuring. I'm sure I will get a light work out today, that will be later. Everyone have a great weekend and labor day.
No lunch, ahhhhhh! (work always messes up eating times) had a zb and worked out. Did pushup fran(no pull up bar) and 8,8,8,5,5,5,3,3,3 of dumbbell pushpress up to 60#. Then did tabata treadmill 7.5 incline @ 8mph. Not bad for Sun.
No lunch, ahhhhhh! (work always messes up eating times) had a zb and worked out. Did pushup fran(no pull up bar) and 8,8,8,5,5,5,3,3,3 of dumbbell pushpress up to 60#. Then did tabata treadmill 7.5 incline @ 8mph. Not bad for Sun.
Nice little 2 mile stroll this a.m. Was happy with 14:00, but think there was some left in the tank. Oh well that is the fastest I ever ran 2 miles, I bet. Ready for the fifty now bring it on. Will be strict zone today and off to bed early. zzzzzzzzz Cant wait to have a beer afterwards. hahaha See everyone tomorrow. JB
Busy day. Did not get up early for wod this morning before work. Two wod's yesterday ko'd me. Need to be fresh for the fifty!!! I did do today's wod, kind of. Did 5 sets of 100' walking lunges with the 45# bar overhead, and 10 burpees. Do not have a rope to climb. Still the lunges sucked arse. Been in the zone strict for a few days now, after the bad weekend. Feel much better. cya 8am
Monday!!!!!! Did not post all weekend, let's see.... Wod on sat. morning, fantasy football draft on sat. night (beers, burgers, and captain). Sun. no wod, and homemade pizzas with the girls. Yes I know!!! So anyway today is a new day and I am ready for a strict week and some great wod's. Am at work today so I will do the wod later, along with some treadmill, or stairs. Wish the rain wouldn't have drove everyone off on sat. but it was great to see everyone. Am already stressin' about the filthy 50. see ya soon. JB
Back on track now, had to sleep all day yesterday just to catch up. Did wod with the 6pm crew, nice. Did burpees first and think that lower my c+j's, made up for it on the rower. (saved my butt) Today's wod was good although my lower back has been screamin ever since. Will try to roll it later. Had a tough time staying in the zone at work for 36 hours. I did ok, one minor mishap with some choc chip cake. The cake started it, I had to show it who's boss! Really have been pretty good with the diet. I need to work on the sleep part. Hope everyone can make the wod saturday, can't wait to see everyone. JB
Great wod this morning. Did mens rx'd #135 wow it got heavy at the end. It took me like 14:48 to finish. Brent from 7a.m. said I would not be able to do it. So, guess what? I didn't care if it took me all day I would have done it! I really need work on my rack!!!! Get your minds out of the gutter. My wrists were KILLING me during the work out. I did not put the weight down because it was too heavy. Only because my wrists hurt! So I will add that to the things I need to work on. Maybe some tape would help them for a while ?? see ya JB
OK, I felt bad about complaining about my sore ass, so I did an afternoon wod for my punishment: 800m run, 50 pushups, 50 situps, 800 run, 35 pu's&su's, 800run, 20pu's&su's, and to finish I did jump rope 300single, 100 double unders. WHEW! glad its over. I need a couple days a week to do double wod's. JB
Finally feel recovered from last week, and long weekend of work. Wod this a.m. sucked, but felt great (love hate thing). Great job by the ladies SM, MK, & KC. I think I was around 27:18. I feel like I need to tweak my zone, but that could also be me needing to weigh and measure my carbs again for a few days. I have been eyeballing and probably need to measure for a couple days to regroup. I feel so "disorganized" to start the week. It is so hard to eat right without proper planning. I am in a food, nutrition, diet, time, organization, zone Tornado. Ok I feel better. I know deep breath and focus. Ha JB
Sun. afternoon still at work had a late lunch... long gap from bfast to lunch. Managed a nice workout yesterday at the station. 10sets 10 pushpress 85# trying to build my pp endurance for FGB. Finished that with tabata treadmill (7mph/12%) and tabata squats. Not bad. I will wander into the gym later and figure something out for today. Back on wods tomorrow 8am. Keep zonin, JB
Ahh, the weekend! Finished my class and now I am at work sat. and sun. The overtime money will be nice. Finished early enough yesterday to make it to the 6pm wod. Wored out with coach, and Jane, great job guys. That wod was 6:20 of death. Felt good to be there though. Back on track mon. 8am. Packed enough food to stay in the zone this weekend and will be strict. Had a salad and couple pieces of pizza lastnight, along with some wine....yum! Hope everyone has a great weekend see you soon. JB
WOW! One more day of this killer class. I have missed cf all week, because all I have the energy for is, coming home, taking a shower, barely eating a meal , and going to bed. Every joint in my body is sore, every muscle group is sore. I am bruised, blistered, and bloody. I know cf has helped me get through this class, and I can't wait to get back to the wods. I have stayed in the zone, or really close. I know tomorrow night will be "beer-thirty", well at least a couple. hope everyone's week was good and hope to work out with "anyone" soon. see ya JB
Nice monday wod, really had to dig deep for some of the reps. busy week ahead. I am taking a rapid intervention/survival class (all hands on stuff very physical). So my wod's will be either early, or late all week. I will be packing a cooler for snacks and lunch. Hope to stay in the zone. Will post when I can. See ya.
I am a slacker! I have not been keeping up my posting duties. Today is Fri. and I am on duty. Missed the wod today(a little sore from the week, so light work out today might be good). We took the kids up to Mote Marine yesterday in Sarasota. That place is so cool. We have been zonin great and yesterday we even took zone food for the day. Then it happened! The Columbian restaurant in St. Armands Circle. I went to the edge of the zone(you know right there where you can see the line) then I sprinted past that line, and left the zone in the dust. I have to say the food was Awesome. I truly love food! Some people eat only for survival. I actually love food. That is why I thought the zone would be hard. In all reality, it has been great. As good as yesterday's meal/sangria was I felt like shit afterwards. Within an hour I was sleepy and felt terrible. So lesson learned, had a 2b snack late to get me back in the zone, and felt ok this morning. I know those meals, or days will be there, so it is just a matter of getting back on track. Have a great weekend. JB
Wow, up for 5a.m. wod (which by the way kicked my arse) work, and 11:30p.m. and still not caught up. Hope to squeeze some zzzzzz's at some point tonight, because i already peeked at tomorrows wod and yea its gonna suck. sleep, or not! Been zonin' ok. pretty strict. couple beers over the weekend, but all food has been tight. Well stuff to do so I will "blog ya later" JB
Wow MK got 305 on FGB. I have to say I am scared. I was going to do the wod today until I saw that number. I do not want to be sore for tomorrow. I spent a little time doing nothing at the gym. Just planning in my head and talking to coach. Spent some time on the rower (to dial it in for max calories), and a little time on every FGB exercise. I feel like I did not do much and I kind of feel guilty. I can only hope to come close to Michelle's score. My day today will be hydration and strict zone. See everyone tomorrow. JB
I love the morning workouts and a nice bfast, makes me feel good. This a.m. wod was nice (11:11) I feel I am increasing my endurance for the running portions of wod's like this. Usually the weighted movements catch up to me on the runs. 6a.m. zb, eggs and canadian bacon, pineapple, cherries, and almonds for bfast. hopefully the kids want to do something fun today!
LONG day, on duty and have spent most of the day in full dress at officer Widman's funeral. Sad, sad day. Long, hot, no food, and emotional. Makes me thankful for coming home after every shift. Thankful for my wife, kids, family, and being able to come to crossfit and sweat out all the stress. Have been far from the zone today. zb at 6 a.m. 2b snack 845, and nothing until 4p.m. just a 2b snack. Hopefully dinner is soon. Will try to work out tonight on duty, but you never know. Can't wait for FGB.
Monday off, thats the way to start the week. Great wod this morning, I like going heavy on the new lifts. #195 missed 205 by very little. I'll get it next time. Bfast was; hb eggs, grapes, apple, and almonds. lunch i had a fresh fig (don't know if its allowed, but I love them) cherries, portabello veggie burger(no bun of course), and cashews. Made some baked cod for dinner with veg medley. Tonight will be arly bedtime I can all ready tell.
Sunday night, had an o.k. day at work so far. Stayed in the zone so far. Dinner was pasta faggoli, which one of the guys on my crew is the "king" of. I had mine with little pasta, some meat, and lots of veggies. Really can't be that bad. It is so awesome. He has now passed the recipe to me and I will try to make it 100% zone if I can, stay tuned. Light workout, felt like a rest, so spent about 30 minutes stretching. That felt great. Will be ready for this week. I would like to lose a pound, or two this week. I stayed the same last week, like a little plateau or something. Oh well it will happen soon, keep "zonin" right. Hope everyone had a great weekend. Now I am hoping for a quiet night at work.
Its FRIDAY!!!! Nice run this a.m. I pulled a 10:48 and felt pretty good after. I have no idea how I would ever pick up time to catch Kate!?!? I feel even better now that I have had a grapefruit, cherries, egg beaters and nf cheese, oh yea dont forget the cashews. What are everyones thoughts on dining out. I was going to take Patty to dinner tonight, but also want to try to stay in the zone. Zone friendly restaurants?
Stayed in the zone all day. Hit open gym for some foam roller therapy, ring dips and rope climbs. Had a great 5oz top sirloin with sauteed spinach, mush, and onion. Brocc, and cherries. Feel good from the day and ready for bed soon, I will be at work tomorrow, so no wod for me but I will do something at work.
Morning wod was "sneaky nasty" 6 rounds. I hate amrap. Felt good after, especially with a 4b bfast in me. Need to run some errands today and will make open gym later for some ring dips (fun). I love everyones comments and everyones honesty in their blogs. It is nice to know we are all feeling the same thing. Will update later with food log.
Tue. morning wod was great. Did rxd' weight and that really slowed down my c&j's. Missed open gym today, but hope to get there wed.
Stayed in the zone all day, just finished zone chic parm and eggplant, it was awesome. Found the "oven fried chic" recipe on zoneperfect.com I followed the recipe for the chic and then did it for eggplant also. Used some lowfat mozz (not much) and added organic tomato sauce for some carbs. Also had steamed asparagus. Great zone meal! Can't lie I had 4 oz red wine too (yum) I do miss the wine. Other than that had a strict 4 block day.
Stayed in the zone all day, just finished zone chic parm and eggplant, it was awesome. Found the "oven fried chic" recipe on zoneperfect.com I followed the recipe for the chic and then did it for eggplant also. Used some lowfat mozz (not much) and added organic tomato sauce for some carbs. Also had steamed asparagus. Great zone meal! Can't lie I had 4 oz red wine too (yum) I do miss the wine. Other than that had a strict 4 block day.
bloody sunday
Sun. started great with a zone breakfast. Fast forward to my best friend from childhood and currently still best friend coming to town. Lunch started great, all zone friendly, then a beer and more z friendly food, and then some more. What I am trying to say is I had a bad zone lunch, afternoon, dinner combo. Even a few beers and some wine. Yes I did feel bad (mentally, and physically) so I had a 1b snack late night to help start mon. off right. That was my only slip all week.
Stayed in the zone all day, sometimes it is hard at work, but today was good. Had a good work out and was very hungry between 4pm zb, 5pm workout, and 7pm dinner. Late night 2b snack, its Fri. hope to get some sleep and not run calls all night. Have to work 12 more hours in the morning (36 straight sucks). Hope a few of you kick "Murph" for me, I'll be missing it... not really. Have fun, and post your times for me to see.
Long day yesterday, a.m. wod was great. On the boat all day scuba diving(yea it sucked....NOT) stayed in the zone all day. Wait I had 1 mich ultra about 4... oops I had to. We had cheeseburgers for dinner and lots of sauteed cabbage, and pineapple. It added up to zone friendly, but still felt guilty. Must have been the small whole wheat bun. At work today for the next 36 hrs, hope I brought enough food. Sorry I will miss "murph" in the morning. I will try to equal the intensity while on duty. I will update later with new menu items..
Finally on blogspot
Finally on! Finished today's wod, as rx'd, wow that sucked. Will post my daily menu later. Anyone else having a hard time with eating enough "good carbs"? I had to have 2 bites of pasta lastnight because I couldn't eat another bite of cabbage, or broccoli. Anyone have good 4block carb ideas?
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