“If you only do what you know you can do- you never do very much."



Just doesn't feel like wed. to me. This mornings wod was a B... amazing how the curb pushups add to the level of difficulty. was going to head in and do some extra work, but too many things to do. Feel like I have been hungry all day and I can't shake it. Also can't stop drinking h2o today I feel like a camel, can't satisfy the thirst either. Oh well I'll try to keep ignoring it. Will be in a 5am tomorrow see ya. JB


Hip Kitty said...

Today was brutal, my friend. the curbs pretty much suck. DRINK. Sounds like your body is cranking some fat off! (that's how I choose to think of it) ;P Catch ya in the am on the flippy dip.

timeforchange15 said...

Oh J I was so close to finishing under 11 min. I didn't get my last pull up and had to drop and reset. So disappointing, but still happy with the time. My forearms were SHOT on the last round. Good work on Helen you kick ass bro!!