“If you only do what you know you can do- you never do very much."


Met Con Monday

Ran the 3x800 did 255, 241, 255 then I had to try a row 1x800 239. My legs were officially shaky after that. Diet sucked sun. will have to dial it in this week. Still tired and sore buns from the lunges. see ya JB


Hip Kitty said...

Way to smoke it mister.

Hip Kitty said...

oh, and because you chose to do the row after running 3 800's, that offically makes you a freak.

timeforchange15 said...

Nice work this AM (wed) brother. I was dying starting on the rower. You'll have to teach me technique when you have a chance, I'd love to learn from the best. Still finished better then last time so It's all good.